Holy Week

DSC06308Beginning on Sunday, April 24th the community of St George began it’s solemn procession towards our Lord’s betrayal, crucifixion, entombment, and resurrection.  Fr Aleksa and members of the St George community, began the week by traveling to St George in Hermitage, PA for Lenten Vespers.  Fr Aleksa was the week’s homilist, preaching on the temptation we have to be distracted by the cares of this world – cares that can pull us away from growing in Christ.

On Great and Holy Monday and Tuesday the community served Bridegroom Matins in the evening.  On Monday they reflected on the hymnography sung, likening all of us to a whitewashed tomb that looks beautiful on the outside while, at the same time, containing bones or a corpse within.  Fr Aleksa juxtaposed this with the reading of Ezekiel from the Matins of Great and Holy Saturday – the joy of our Easter celebration is that our Lord takes those ‘dry bones’ that we conceal within and renews them; he, once again, breathes life into what was dead.

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1st Annual Lenten Workshop

image-07On April 9th, 2016, St George Serbian Orthodox Church hosted their first annual Lenten workshop sponsored by the Circle of Serbian Sisters.  This year’s workshop facilitator was parish priest Fr Aleksa Pavichevich who spoke on the theme “Quiet: Listening to God in a Noisy World.”

The day began with unseasonably cold weather and snowy, winter conditions. Starting late in the evening, and continuing well into the afternoon, snow fell, winds howled and the temperatures dipped into the 20s. Despite the adverse conditions, however, 20 participants from a variety of local churches braved the weather to attend the event for fellowship and spiritual edification.

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Lazarus Saturday

Holy Communion on Lazarus Saturday
Holy Communion on Lazarus Saturday

On Saturday, April 23, our St George community celebrated the end of Great Lent and began our transition to the solemn worship of Holy Week with the joyous and great feast of the Resurrection of Lazarus.  As in previous years, this day was marked by an educational Divine Liturgy for the church school participants with Proskomedia (preparatory) prayers being done in the Nave.  The faithful present were able to observe and children were able to ask questions about the beginning parts of the service.

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