On Sunday, June 19th, St George celebrated the Great Feast of Pentecost. The day was marked by a number of wonderful events in the life of the parish.
Prior to Divine Liturgy, Don Demor was received into the Holy Orthodox Church through the sacrament of Chrismation. In the presence of his community, he completed an almost year-long journey as a catechumen through the reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit. During his catechumenate, Don learned about the faith, faithfully attended services, and was a true steward of the many gifts that God bestowed upon him – including working many events and chairing the SerbFest committee.
May God grant Don, His kum Dejan Marjanski, many years of faithful service in Christ’s Holy Church!
Following the Pentecost service, the community gathered for the Vespers of Pentecost – including the kneeling prayers. As Fr Aleksa read the beautiful prayers, the faithful of the community collected the freshly cut greenery and fashioned traditional wreaths.
As the community sang many times throughout the day, our Lord blessed our community with the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we might carry out the great commission given to us – to baptize all nations in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as he ‘revealed the fisherman as most wise by sending down upon the Holy Spirit’, so he imbued each of us with the skills and gifts we need to complete the good work given to us by God.
It was a day of great spiritual joy and renewal for the entire community.